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 2024 ALIR Scholarships

The Academy of Learning in Retirement (ALIR) offers Northeast Independent School District graduating students and opportunity to apply and be selected as a recipient of a $2,500.00 Bill Howland Memorial Scholarship.  The number of scholarship recipients depends upon the generous donations by the ALIR membership.  Spring 2024, ALIR was able to award four scholarships to graduating seniors out of thirty-five applicants.

The process begins in January and culminates at the end of April.  NEISD Senior Counselors are sent a letter of invitation and an application.  The application requires the following from each student:

1.  Name, address, school, contact information

2.  Academic records and transcript

3.  Two letters of recommendation or more

4.  Personal essay

5.  Statement of aspirations and goals

6.  Accounting of school and community involvement

7.  Interview with the ALIR Scholarship Committee

The committee individually scores each student's application then meets to determine the winners. An awards ceremony in April is held at the NEISD Community Center to present the awards to the Scholarship recipients.

Your contribution to the Bill Howland Memorial Scholarship Fund helps graduating students achieve their academic and career goals by providing them with the necessary financial support to pursue higher education.  To contribute or for more information, please contact Don Gadberry,, or Willson Donovan, ALIR Facilitator, 210-407-0167 or  


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